Work is more flexible than perhaps ever before, and many people in Michigan are able to choose between showing up in person and working remotely. This flexibility has many benefits, including eliminating commute times and cutting down on costs related to work attire. However, some workers say they are facing higher rates of workplace discrimination than ever before.
Discrimination against remote workers
According to a series of research including the State of Workplace Discrimination 2021 and Sate of Workplace Wrongdoing in 2021, 80% of victims in the studies suffered their discrimination when working remotely. Another 55% reported that they experienced discrimination while working at their current company, which could be an indication that discrimination led them to seek different employment. Examples of discrimination can include being:
- Passed over for promotions
- Denied raises
- Harassed
- Demoted
- Fired
Not everyone who experiences discrimination actually makes a report, though. Research shows that 90% of victims say they would be more likely to file a report if they had an anonymous option to do so. Of those who do report, only a little over 50% ever have the issue fully resolved. What this data shows is that there is clearly room for improvement with how Michigan employers handle reports of discrimination.
Victims of workplace discrimination face added obstacles in their career paths. Many struggle to meet their job related goals and may even fall behind when it comes to earnings and advancement compared to their peers. While there is nothing that can undo this type of damage, victims who successfully navigate workplace discrimination lawsuits can not only secure compensation for their damages but can also effect real change that protects future workers.