There may be many scenarios in which filing a complaint at work may be necessary to protecting one’s rights or addressing potential safety concerns. However, it might not be possible to predict how an employer may respond to these complaints, and sometimes this could...
Month: January 2024
Lawsuit filed over retaliation and wrongful termination
Individuals who come across possible hazards at work may feel that reporting the issue could prove vital to promoting safety in their job settings. However, there could be some instances in which individuals in Michigan who report unsafe conditions may be subjected to...
Michigan police must adhere to protocol that protects civil rights
It can be a bit scary to have Michigan police officers come knocking at your door. It’s also emotionally distressing when an officer pulls you over in a traffic stop. Any time you encounter police when they’re acting in an official capacity, it’s best to try to remain...
Possible examples of discriminatory hiring practices
Many companies may constantly be in search of ways to attract and hire the best talent they can find. The pursuit of talent could cause many companies to create thorough hiring practices and there might be some scenarios in which such strategies could promote unjust...