Many people make friends at work that help them throughout the day. Of course, not every co-worker gets along, and in some cases, people may make going to work a nightmare for other individuals. Sexual harassment and discrimination could easily make any Michigan worker feel anxious and stressed at work, and if nothing is done to reprimand the wrongdoer, the victim may feel as if the only option is to quit.
One worker in another state found herself in this position last year while working for Walmart. The woman was a diary associate from Oct. 2018 until March 2019, at which time she ended her employment due to a hostile work environment. The woman stated that a male co-worker would inappropriately touch her, send threats by text, messages and spread vulgar and offensive rumors about her. After making the behavior known, the woman received an offer from Walmart to transfer locations, but presumably, no disciplinary action for the male co-worker took place.
The woman later filed a lawsuit against Walmart claiming gender discrimination, sexual harassment and a hostile work environment. The company recently responded to the lawsuit hoping to have it dismissed. Walmart believes that the woman did not utilize protective procedures to prevent harassment and did not state her claims properly. The company also stated that it did not participate in gender discrimination as it would have taken the same actions regardless of the worker’s gender.
Sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace can easily make it feel impossible for a person to continue working. As this case shows, when management does not take action to properly address wrongdoing, victims may feel as if they have to leave their jobs to protect themselves. If Michigan workers have faced this type of mistreatment and unjust action from their employers, they may wish to obtain an assessment of their possible cases to learn about available options.