Encountering unjust treatment at work can be a harrowing process and the outcome of such issues may impact various aspects of one’s life. When discrimination stems from retaliatory actions, individuals in Michigan might experience numerous challenges and the matter could take a dire toll on one’s career and opportunities. Reports indicate that a discrimination claim filed by a former police officer in another state has resulted in a $400,000 settlement agreement.
Reports of discrimination
Reports indicate that the woman who filed the claim had dreams of becoming a police officer, and the incident began when she was in training academy. During a training session, she claims she witnessed a training officer and a trainee arguing and states that the incident turned physical. After reporting the incident, the lawsuit asserts that others began to subject her to unjust behavior after all her fellow trainees were disciplined in relation to the matter.
The woman says that others began spreading rumors about her through the academy and she claims that her superiors altered her performance evaluations to cast her in a negative light. After filing a discrimination claim, the city reportedly agreed to pay her a substantial monetary settlement. Reports indicate that an investigation into the incident also led to the termination of employment of several individuals at the academy.
Safeguarding one’s rights
Discrimination of any form can wreak havoc on a person’s life and career and such issues could leave one facing numerous challenges, financial and emotional alike. While there are laws that protect a person in Michigan against such unlawful treatment, those who encounter discrimination might not always know how best to approach the situation. Fortunately, there are attorneys who can evaluate the situation a person is facing and assist in taking every possible measure to safeguard his or her legal rights and interests and prepare to seek the full amount of compensation entitled.