While there may be a multitude of scenarios in which companies might have valid reasons to pass on hiring potential candidates, sometimes this decision could stem from unjust behavior. Being denied employment due to the presence of discrimination can be a harrowing process and individuals in Michigan who face similar issues might wish to take steps to protect against such behavior. A hospital in another state has recently agreed to pay a settlement of $180,000 after it was accused of discriminating against a woman during the hiring process.
Reports of the incident
Reports indicate that the incident began when the woman was being interviewed for a position as a greeter at the hospital. The lawsuit states that she informed a manager that she was deaf but that she was able to communicate with others and could hear and understand what others said with the use of hearing aids. She claims that she was fully capable of performing every aspect of this position, but she says the hospital informed her that they decided not to offer her the position.
The lawsuit claims that the decision to deny employment came just after she received a request to provide information on her hearing disability. During recent legal proceedings, the facility agreed to pay her a substantial monetary judgment. The settlement agreement also included terms that require the hospital to review company discrimination policies and make any necessary changes to prevent such behavior in the future.
The next steps to take
Individuals who encounter workplace discrimination and wish to protect against the trials thereof might benefit from speaking with an experienced attorney for advice on the next steps to take. An attorney can evaluate the situation a client in Michigan is facing and provide guidance on all his or her legal rights and available options. Seeking such advice could help place a person in a better position to confront the situation and seek the full amount of compensation entitled via the appropriate channels.