Many individuals may put significant effort into building their careers and they may constantly be in search of opportunities for advancement and growth. However, some individuals in Michigan may face obstacles that impede employment opportunities and sometimes these obstacles may stem from unjust workplace behaviors. Recent studies on age discrimination suggest that ageism remains a prevalent concern in many work environments and facing similar issues can be a harrowing experience.
Data from recent studies on ageism
Data from recent studies on age discrimination indicate that such unjust treatment continues to impact the lives of many workers. For instance, researchers state that over 40% of individuals at or above the age of 40 admitted that they have faced some form of age discrimination at work. These studies also state that many of these workers say that the possibility of encountering ageism remains a common concern as they pursue career opportunities.
Facing age discrimination at work might not be the only issue, as many of those surveyed also say that such issues have kept them from obtaining employment. Studies also suggest that workers at or above the age of 50 who are denied positions due to such unlawful treatment also face the possibility of being without work for three times as long as younger workers. Researchers also indicate that these individuals also feel forced to send out far more job applications than younger workers before they can obtain a job offer.
Encountering ageism
Age discrimination can occur during various stages of employment, beginning with the initial application process. Individuals who are denied positions or opportunities for career advancement based on similar factors might not be aware of their rights and what they can do to protect their careers and future interests. Fortunately, there are attorneys in Michigan who can help address the situation a person is facing, provide insight on his or her legal rights and options, and help develop a strategy with which to protect against similar issues through the appropriate outlets.